

  • Mood

    • Depression

    • Anxiety

  • Life Issues

    • Relationship

    • Occupational/Social functioning

    • Stress

  • Women’s Health

    • PMS/PMDD

    • Pregnancy / postpartum

    • Perimenopause and menopause

  • Psychopharmacology

    • Patient education

    • Consult with prescribing physician for meds management


My style of therapy is somewhat unconventional. Graduate education teaches prospective psychologists to adhere to a “blank slate” approach, whereby practitioner experiences are not shared with those they are treating. The goal is to remain an empty canvas, so as not to interfere with the “purity” of the relationship. This interference is called transference.

In my practice, it is common for the women I work with to know parts of my life experience that are relevant to their own struggles, helpful toward a resolution, and not potentially susceptible to a negative transference. The level playing field is appreciated, in that the “doctor/patient gap” is greatly minimized. Providers of all kinds are human and have gone through periods of sadness and stress to varying degrees, just like anyone else. 

Furthermore, there is no lack of conversation in my office. Too often, I hear from women that former therapists listened but did not have much to say.  I am there to listen and to offer advice—conversation is greatly valued. 

Lastly, people will often ask what type of therapy I offer. My therapy is less concerned with traditional schools of thought and more concerned with being present-focused and solution-oriented.    

My goal for your experience with me is that you feel comfortable, and not judged. Therapy can be enjoyable. 


Session information

Sessions are 50 minutes in length and are reimbursable out of network. That means that payment is made to the office at the time of service, and, assuming you have out of network coverage, your insurance company reimburses you directly.  Payment may be made in the form of checks or cash only. Credit cards are not accepted at this time for in-person sessions. Please see the practice policies form below to get more information regarding the details of my services.

Telehealth Option: I am offering the option to conduct sessions virtually. To learn more, please click here.