Julie L. Peters, PhD, MSCP is a licensed psychologist practicing in Ramsey, NJ who specializes in women’s health issues.
Julie L. Peters, PhD, MSCP is a licensed psychologist practicing in Ramsey, NJ who specializes in women’s health issues.
In October of 2019, I received a postdoctoral Master of Science degree in Clinical Psychopharmacology from Fairleigh Dickinson University. This endeavor was the culmination of my fascination with psychotropic medications. I greatly enjoy educating women about what they may be taking or are considering, and when it is best to benefit from pharmacology versus when to try to work through an issue without. In many situations, the ideal approach is a combination of therapy and pharmacology.
Every medication has pros and cons, and often, the decision to go on medication for your mental health entails a cost-benefit strategy. What I have found in every case, however, is that the best decision is an educated one. Understanding what antidepressants, for example, actually do, enhances the ability to feel confident in the choice. Knowledge is certainly power.
Additionally, I will coordinate with prescribing practitioners to maximize treatment plans. There is as much to communicate to the prescriber about patient nuances as there is to the patient about how the medications are affecting their bodies.