Julie L. Peters, PhD, MSCP is a licensed psychologist practicing in Ramsey, NJ who specializes in women’s health issues.
Julie L. Peters, PhD, MSCP is a licensed psychologist practicing in Ramsey, NJ who specializes in women’s health issues.
Julie L. Peters, PhD, MSCP offers a unique approach which separates her from many psychologists in her field. While graduate education teaches prospective psychologists to adhere to a “blank slate” approach, whereby practitioner experiences are not shared with those they are treating, Dr. Peters finds that sharing parts of life experiences relevant to her patients’ struggles is not only appreciated, but also extremely helpful. When the conversation goes both ways, it can lead to a fulfilling, healing, and even enjoyable experience.
Psychotherapy varies depending on the personalities of the psychologist and patient, as well as the particular problems you are experiencing. Therapy is as individual as you are and we can tailor the experience to meet your needs.
Sessions are 50 minutes in length and are reimbursable out of network. For more information regarding practice policies, please click the link below.
500 N. Franklin Turnpike
Suite 210
Ramsey, New Jersey 07446
(201) 760-0668
— Roger A. Coven, MD